Actr_RemoveFolderTrigger |
Removes a previously added folder trigger
Actr_RemoveFolderTrigger ( switches; folderPath )
Set HTTP Response |
Set the (HTML) text which is returned to the remote client in response to the HTTP URL request.
Set HTTP Response [ Select ; Result (error) ; Response ; EventID ]
Remove Folder Trigger |
Removes a previously added folder trigger
Remove Folder Trigger [ Select ; Result (error) ; Folder path ]
Add Folder Trigger |
Add a folder action, which will trigger a script when the monitored folder is changed.
Add Folder Trigger [ Select ; Result (error) ; Folder path ; File name ;
Script name ; Trigger for ; Switches ]
Actr_AddFolderTrigger |
Add a folder action, which will trigger a script when the monitored folder is changed.
Actr_AddFolderTrigger ( switches; folderPath ; fileName ; scriptName )
Actr_StartHTTPServer |
Starts the built-in HTTP Server. This web server will trigger a script when data arrives.
Actr_StartHTTPServer ( switches ; fileName ; scriptName ; { password ;
{ serverName } } )
Actr_StopHTTPServer |
Stop the HTTP Server.
Actr_StopHTTPServer ( switches )
Start HTTP Server |
Starts the built-in HTTP Server. This web server will trigger a script when data arrives.
Start HTTP Server [ Select ; Result (error) ; File name ; Script name ;
Password ; Port number ; Server Name ; Switches ]
Stop HTTP Server |
Stop the HTTP Server.
Stop HTTP Server [ Select ; Result (error) ]