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Troi Text Plug-in Release notes 1998-2006

By July 12, 2014July 14th, 2024Additional info

In this post you find the older release notes for Troi Text Plug-in for FileMaker Pro.

Version 3.0.1 for FileMaker Pro 7, 8 and 8.5 (October 12th, 2006)

  • The Getline function: now better supports styled text.
  • Fixed a small typo in FMP6 conversion note.

Version 3.0 for FileMaker Pro 7, 8 and 8.5 (August 14th, 2006)

  • Made compatible with FileMaker Pro 8.5.
  • (Mac OS X) Converted to Universal plug-in which runs natively on PowerPC and Intel Macs.
  • Updated the User Guide for version 3.0. We also improved the links in the table of contents, so the links now also work with the Preview application of Mac OS X.

Version 2.8.2 for FileMaker Pro 8 and 7 (August 11th, 2006)

  • Final preparation for universal binary and registration handling for next release.

Version 2.8.1 for FileMaker Pro 8 and 7 (January 26th, 2006)

  • Changed the SumText examples back to the original and preferred FMP7 format.
    NOTE With the the release of the update of FileMaker Pro 8.0v2 the original syntax of the SumText calculation is now again working properly. As the original syntax is more general we strongly recommend to use this syntax. Please read the SumText section of the FileMaker 8 Conversion Note, which explains this in detail.
  • Changed the BookIndex.fp7 example to include on the Pages.fp7 example in the same file.

Version 2.8 for FileMaker Pro 8 and 7 (03-October-2005)

  • First version to be completely compatible with FileMaker Pro 8.
  • Changed the SumText functions to be able work with FileMaker Pro 8.
    Version NOTE The calculations in the database need to be changed to make the SumText work in FileMaker Pro 8. Please see the SumText.fp7 example file for this.
  • It is now possible to have a SumText without a separator. Specify “-NoSeparator” as the parameter in the TrText_SumTextStart function.
  • Fixed a problem in the GetLine function: the last character of the last line is now also returned, when no “-ReturnAtEnd” switch is used.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a resource conflict at idle time with other plug-ins.
  • Improved the Version function: the switch “-GetVersionString” now works.
  • Improved the SumText functions: The first related record that is summed now always keeps its style.
  • Created FileMaker Pro 8 Conversion Note (updated from the FileMaker Pro 7 version).

Version 2.7.2 for FileMaker 7 (16-August-2004)

  • In the Define Calculation dialog box at the top right: added the forgotten swiches parameter in the prototypes for the function TrText_GetLine and TrTextAndText.
  • Fixed a problem with registering via the version function, on Mac OS X.
  • Changed the name of the plug-in, to ensure better compatibility with the autoupdate functionality of FileMaker Server. Changed spaces to underscores: On Mac OS X the plug-in now is called Troi_Text.fmplugin and on Windows: Troi_Text_Plugin.fmx.
    IMPORTANT: don’t forget to remove the previous Text Plug-in.

Version 2.7.1 for FileMaker 7 (1-July-2004)

  • Fixed: When looking at the preferences, the plug-in stays registered.
  • (Win Fixed a problem with the plug-in not registering.
  • (Mac) Improved correct display of dialog messages, like when the plug-in has stopped working.
  • Improved the Sets.fp7 example.

Version for FileMaker 7 (21-March-2004)

  • (Win) made the flash dialog better.
  • (Mac) added better resource file management, especially for the flash dialog.
  • Improved the check for the correct plug-in in the example files, it now correctly checks for the 2.7 version.
  • Improved the TrText-XORText function, it no longer includes lines with just a return.
  • Improved the BookIndex.fp7 example to use the new Text Plug-in instead of the pre 7 Text Plug-in.
  • Improved the tabs in the All Text Examples.fp7 file, so that they look normal when clicked.

Version 2.7 for FileMaker 7 (12-March-2004)

  • Converted to new Function API of FileMaker Pro 7.
  • Each function can now handle longer texts than the previous limit of 64000.
  • Each function now supports Unicode characters.

Version 2.1.6 (12-March-2004)

  • (Mac) Registration now also works if the registration file has a “.txt” extension at the end.
  • Updated the example files.
  • Fixed a memory leak.

Version (05-June-2002)
Version NOTE The Troi Text Plug-in itself still has version 2.1!

  • Included the latest regifunc.fp5 example file.
  • (Mac) removed ‘carb’ resource in the plug-in, as this is no longer required and could interfere with PrintToPDF.

Version 2.1 (15-May-2001)

  • Tested with FileMaker 5.5 and ported to Mac OS X. The Mac version of the plug-in is now a so called ‘Super Fat’ plug-in that will run on Mac OS 8, 9 and Mac OS X.

Version 2.0.1 (30-January-2001)

  • Released as final version; no bugs found in beta.

Version 2.0b1 (27-December-2000)

  • Added NOTText function.
  • Added XML function.
  • Added Highlight function (Mac only).
  • Improved Version function. It now also can show the Flash Dialog and return a version buildnumber.
  • Improved example files.
  • Updated External Function Overview file.

Version 1.2.3 (10-June-1999)

  • Added descending sortline.

Version 1.2.2 (27-January-1999)

  • Added registration via external function.

Version 1.2 (14-July-1998)

  • Added new functions: SortLines, UniqueLines, UniqueWords and GetLine
  • Removed the startup flash screen. Now a flash screen is shown the first time the plug-in’s functionality is used.
  • This flash screen is removed after payment of the license fee.

Version 1.0.1 (09-April-1998)

  • Fixed bug that could lead to crash when not using the SumText functions correctly.

Version 1.0 (08-April-1998)

  • Added ANDText and XORText.
  • Added a User Guide.

Version 1.0b1 (10-March-1998 )
First public beta.