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TrFile_MountDisk (function reference)

By June 1, 2024June 4th, 2024Online Help, Troi File Plug-in
Troi File Plug-in for FileMaker Pro


Connect to a shared network volume, by mounting the disk. You can then for example read or save files on this disk.

SyntaxFunction badge

TrFile_MountDisk ( switches ; zone ; server ; disk ; { username ;
                   password } )


switches this modifies the behavior of the function
zone (optional) the name of the AppleTalk zone (on Windows this parameter is not used)
server on Mac the name of the Server, on Windows the UNC name of the share
disk on Mac the name of the disk, on Windows (optional) the drive letter to use
username (optional) the name of the user (if empty guest access is tried)
password (optional) the password of this user


Switches can be empty or one of this on macOS :

-TwoWayEncryptPassword (default) use a 2 way encrypted password to logon
-OneWayEncryptPassword use a 1 way encrypted password to logon
-PlainPassword send the password in plain text

Switches can be empty or one of this on Windows:

-ReUseDriveLetter (default) if the network disk already is mapped reuse that drive letter
-AlwaysNewDriveLetter always map a new drive letter

Returned Result

Data type returned

Error code


On Mac OS The returned result is an error code. If no error occurs a zero is returned.
On Windows the returned result is the drive letter or an error code. An example drive letter can be: “F:”

An error always starts with 2 dollars, followed by the error code. You should always check for errors. Returned error codes can be:

$$-35 no such volume, disk not found
$$-50 parameter error, check if the supplied parameters are correct
$$-5023 the user is not authorized for this volume
$$-5000 insufficient access privileges for operation
$$67 (Windows) the specified UNC name is invalid or can not be found
$$1200 (Windows) the specified drive letter is invalid. Enter a valid drive letter, like “K:”
$$2250 (Windows) not connected to a network

Originated in

Troi File Plug-in 2.6


FileMaker Pro 17 to FileMaker Pro 21 (2024)


Due to differences in operating systems this function behaves a bit different on Mac compared to Windows. On Windows there is no zone name for example. See the platform specific examples below.

On macOS the plug-in also supports URL style AFP (AppleTalk File Protocol) servers. See also the examples below.

Regarding sending passwords on macOS: the plug-in always tries to use 2 way encrypted passwords. If, however, the server does not support this you can specify to use a one way encrypted password or a plain password, by giving the -OneWayEncryptPassword or -PlainPassword switch respectively.

On Windows the “server” parameter should be a UNC name, formatted like “\\servername\share”. Also on Windows the parameter “disk” indicates the drive letter to use, like “K:”. If empty the function picks a free drive letter.

IMPORTANT On some Windows implementations the username and password parameter have been switched. If you get a authorization error, try reversing the username and password!

After mounting the shared disk icon should appear on your desktop (on macOS) or in the My Computer folder (on Windows). Depending on your access privileges, you can copy files, create folders and use items on the shared disk as if they were on your local hard disk.


Mac OS:

Set Field [ result ; TrFile_MountDisk ( "-Unused " ; "MacZone" ; "McServer" ; "Shared Disk" ; "George" ;
			 "secret" ) ]

Set Field [ result ; TrFile_MountDisk ("-Unused " ; "" ; "McServer" ; "Guest folder" ) ]

The first set field step will mount the hard disk “Shared Disk” of server “McServer” in zone “MacZone” using the user name “George” with password “secret”.
The second set field step will mount the volume “Guest folder” of server “McServer” using guest access. As the zone parameter is empty, the server can be in any zone.

The plug-in also supports URL style AFP servers names. For example a server on the intranet:

Set Field [ result ; TrFile_MountDisk ( "-Unused" ; "" ; "afp://" ; "Shared Disk" ) ]

Starting with version 2.6.1 the plug-in also supports URL style WebDAV server names on Mac OS X 10.2 and later. For example an iDisk server:

Set Field [ result ; TrFile_MountDisk ( "-Unused" ; "" ; "" ; "" ) ]

You can also connect to servers on the public Internet, for example:

Set Field [ result ; TrFile_MountDisk ( "" ; "" ; "afp://" ; "Oeffentliche_Software" ) ]

On Windows:

Set Field [ result ; TrFile_MountDisk ( "-ReUseDriveLetter" ; "unused zone" ; "\\Troi Server\Projects" ; 
			"" ; "George" ; "secret" ) ]

Set Field [ result ; TrFile_MountDisk ( "-Unused " ; "unused zone" ; "\\Troi Server\Projects" ; "Z:" ) ]

The first set field step will mount the share “Projects” of server “Troi Server”. using the user name “George” with password “secret”. The second set field step will mount the same share using guest access, and mounting it as drive “Z:”.

Used in example file


Related functionsFunction badge


Related script stepScript step badge

Mount Disk

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Online Help Page for Troi File Plug-in for 17 to 2024 –> TrFile_MountDisk (filep4261) 2024-0604 19:26:13