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TrFile_UnZip (function reference)

By June 1, 2024June 4th, 2024Online Help, Troi File Plug-in
Troi File Plug-in for FileMaker Pro


Expands a ZIP file into the specified folder.

SyntaxFunction badge

TrFile_UnZip ( switches ; sourceZipFileSpec ; destFolderSpec )


switches modifies the behavior of the function
sourceZipFileSpec the path to the ZIP file to be unzipped
destFolderSpec the path to the folder where the ZIP is going to be expanded


You can add one or more of these switches:

-DontCreateArchiveFolder don’t create an extra top folder if there are multiple items at the top level of the ZIP file
-OverwriteExisting overwrite existing items in the destination folder(s)

You can also add one of these encoding switches, which determine how the filenames in the ZIP file bytes are interpreted.

-Encoding=ASCII_Windows (Windows ANSI)
-Encoding=ASCII_Mac (Mac Roman)
-Encoding=ISO_8859_1 (Windows Latin-1)

Returned Result

Data type returned

Error code


The returned result is an error code. An error always starts with 2 dollars, followed by the error code. You should always check for errors. Returned error codes can be:

0 no error The ZIP file was unzipped
$$-43 fnfErr Source file not found
$$-48 dupFNErr Destination ZIP folder already exists

Other errors may be returned.

Originated in

Troi File Plug-in 8.5


FileMaker Pro 17 to FileMaker Pro 21 (2024)


The TrFile_UnZip function will create the complete (sub)folder structure of the ZIP. This may take a bit of time for large ZIP files.

WARNING only use the switch “-OverwriteExisting” when you are sure you don’t overwrite something important. If you first want to see what is in the ZIP file you can use the TrFile_GetZipInfo function to get a list of items. Alternatively it might be better to extract the contents of the ZIP in an empty folder first, and then copy the extracted files from that folder.

Version 13.0 added the -Encoding=xxx switches (on Windows only). The filenames in the ZIP file will be interpreted according to this switch. This is useful if the ZIP was created using a non-standard filename encoding. On macOS the encoding switch is currently ignored.
v13.0 Adds support for the ZIP64 format extension.


Set Field [ $ErrorCode ; TrFile_UnZip ( "-Unused" ; "D:\"; "C:\resultDir\" ) ]

This will uncompress the ZIP file into the folder resultDir. For example these files and folders might be created on the disk:

C:\resultDir\my report\illustration.jpg
C:\resultDir\my report\my report\extra data\
C:\resultDir\my report\my report\extra data\note.txt

Example 2

We assume that in your FileMaker file the following fields are defined and filled with the paths to the source ZIP file and destination folder:

  this::sourceZipPath      	may contain something like "" 
  this::destOfUnZIP_Path	may contain something like "MacHD:Users:destFolder"

This example will first set the variables from the paths stored in the two fields, and then expand the ZIP file. In a script add the following steps:

# Initialize: copy the fields into variables first:
Set Variable [ $SourceZIPfilePath ; this::sourceZipPath ]
Set Variable [ $DestinationFolder ; this::destOfUnZIP_Path ]

# Now unZIP it:
Set Variable [ $ErrorCode ; TrFile_UnZip ( "-OverwriteExisting" ; $SourceZIPfilePath ; $DestinationFolder ) ]

# Return the resulting error code:
Exit Script [ $ErrorCode ]

NOTE: in this example we have specified the switch “-OverwriteExisting”. Only use this switch if you want to allow that existing items in the destination folder can be overwritten.

Used in example file


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