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TURL_SetProxy |
Sets an explicit proxy server to be used, via which the data is sent to the web server.
TURL_SetProxy ( switches ; proxyAddress ; proxyPortNr ; proxyUserName;
proxyPassword )
switches | not used, reserved for future use. Leave blank or put "-unused" |
proxyAddress | the IP address of the proxy server |
proxyPortNr | (optional) the portnr of the proxy server |
proxyUserName | (optional) the user name to be sent as authentication to the proxy server |
proxyPassword | (optional) the password to be sent as authentication to the proxy server |
Returned Result
Data type returned
Error code
If successful this function returns 0. If unsuccessful it returns an error code starting with $$ followed by the error code.
At the moment this function does not return errors.
Originated in
Troi URL Plug-in 1.8.2
FileMaker Pro 16 to 19
If you don’t use this function the system settings for proxies will be used.
You can reset the proxy by specifying an empty proxyAddress string. The systems settings will be used then.
Some proxy servers require authentication, which you can supply with the optional proxyUserName and proxyPassword parameters.
TURL_SetProxy ( "-unused" ; "proxy.server.com" ; 1234 )
This sets the proxy to the server at proxy.server.com at port 1234.
Example 2
Set Field [ gErrorCode ; TURL_SetProxy ("-unused" ; "" ; 8000 ) ]
This sets the proxy to the server at address “” and port 8000.
Set Field [ gErrorCode ; TURL_SetProxy ( "-unused" ; "" ) ]
This resets the proxy setting. The plug-in will use the system settings for proxies.
Related functions
TURL_Get |
TURL_Post |
Related topics
Troi URL Plug-in online help (overview)