TrText_SumTextCalc |
Use this function to define a sumtextCalc help field in a related file.
TrText_SumTextCalc ( TextField )
TrText_SumTextCalc |
Use this function to define a sumtextCalc help field in a related file.
TrText_SumTextCalc ( TextField )
TrText_SumTextResult |
Use this function to stop the sumText calculation and get the result.
TrText_SumTextResult ( unused )
TrText_SumTextStart |
Use this function to start the sumText calculation.
TrText_SumTextStart ( separator ; sumTextInstanceID )
TrText_UniqueLines |
Returns all unique lines from theText. You can use this function in calculation field definitions or in script calculations.
TrText_UniqueLines ( switches ; theText )
TrText_UniqueWords |
Returns all unique words from theText. They are listed in order of appearance and separated by a return.
TrText_UniqueWords ( switches ; theText )
TrText_UnlearnSpelling |
Forget this word in the spell checker dictionary.
TrText_UnlearnSpelling ( switches ; wordToForget )
TrText_Version |
Use this function to see which version of the plug-in is loaded.
Note: This function is also used to register the plug-in.
TrText_Version ( switches )
TrText_VersionAutoUpdate |
Use this function to see which version of the plug-in is loaded, formatted for FileMaker Server’s AutoUpdate function. Returns 8 digit number to represent an AutoUpdate version.
TrText_XML |
Returns the requested parts from text formatted as XML.
TrText_XML ( switches ; nodeSpec ; XMLData )
TrText_XORText |
Returns all lines that are NOT both in text1 and text2.
TrText_XORText ( switches ; text1 ; text2 )