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Selecting Files in FileMaker

With Troi File Plug-in you can easily let a user select a file on disk, for example to get the contents into filemaker. With the plug-in you can also move or rename it, to indicate the file has been handled.

Selecting the file

Use the TrFile_SelectFileDialog function to open up a dialog which lets the user select a file. By default all the files can be selected. If you want the user to be able to select only files with a certain extension use the TrFile_SetDefaultType function first.

To let the user select any file add these script steps to a ScriptMaker script:
Set Variable [$DontCare; TrFile_SetDefaultType( "-Unused"; "")] Set Variable [$FilePath; TrFile_SelectFileDialog( "-Unused"  ; "Please select a file.") ]
This will return the path to the file for example:
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