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Can you parse out XML data in FileMaker Pro in one step?

If you regularly have to work with XML formatted data in FileMaker Pro®, getting the relevant parts of that data, and putting it into text fields can be a daunting task.
And you would probably say it is impossible to get a node of the XML out in one step as it would need a lot of script steps. But that is not the case if you use a plug-in.

Yes, it can be done!

It can be done if you install Troi Text Plug-in. This plug-in adds a function TrText_XML( ) to your arsenal of tools.
This function allows you to easily parse out a node from XML in one step! Here is the syntax of this function:
TrText_XML ("-GetNode"  ; Node_to_get ; XML_data )
The function has three parameters: the first parameter specifies the action to take, in this case to get a node from the XML. The second parameter specifies which node you want to get. Finally the third parameter is the XML data you want to parse.
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Second Value List in a dialog pop-up

With the recently released Troi Dialog Plug-in 6 for FileMaker Pro you can create very powerful Input Dialogs in a few script steps.

Below we show how to display an input dialog with a popup, which displays the values of a second value list, while returning the chosen value from the first list.

This (simplified) example uses fixed text to build the dialog, normally you would fill the dialog with data from your database. In ScriptMaker you need to add script steps to a script, but you can of course copy the script from the example files in the download of Troi Dialog Plug-in.

Implementing the InputDialog

First set the values for the popup. For this popup we fill the optional last parameter, which holds a second value list (with item names).
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