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Troi Dialog Plug-in Release notes 1998-2017

By June 26, 2014July 14th, 2024Additional info

In this post you find the older release notes for Troi Dialog Plug-in for FileMaker Pro.

Troi Dialog Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 12, 13, 14 and 15

Version 6.5.1 (for FileMaker 12 to 15) (February 15, 2017)

  • Added switch to the Dial_ListDialog function: “-ExtraLineHeight=x”, where you can specify extra height (in pixels) for each list item.
  • (Windows) Improved the Dial_ListDialog function: list items should have more vertical height when using hi-resolution displays.
  • Updated the code in several places and added improved namespace handling to make the plug-in more robust.
  • (Mac OS X) Improved export of symbols of the compiled plug-in: now only the symbols that are required are exported.
  • (Mac OS X, 32-bit only) Fixed a possible interference with other plug-ins, during the registration phase.
  • Fixed a bug in the code for registering the plug-in.

Version 6.5 (for FileMaker 12 to 15) (May 17, 2016)

  • Tested and improved compatibility with Windows 10 and OS X 10.11 (El Capitan).
  • Tested and made compatible with FileMaker Pro 15.
  • Improved the multi-threading behavior of the plug-in when running in FileMaker Pro 15.
  • Improved the example file EasyInstallTroiPlugins.fmp12, to provide more help when an installation error occurs.
  • Added description and type-ahead information for all functions of the plug-in. This extra function description will be shown in FileMaker Pro 15 in the Specify Calculation dialog box when you type a function name and also as a text popup in the functions pane on the right.
    The type-ahead information is used by the auto complete functionality of FileMaker Pro 15. In the calculation pane of the Specify Calculation dialog box you can type a letter or two of the function name and instantly see a list of matching function names. For example when you type “li”, the auto complete functionality will suggest the Dial_ListDialog function. You can also type a function name in the functions pane on the right: for example if you type “dial” you will see all the functions relevant to dialogs, like Dial_BigInputDialog.
  • Fixed several bugs, rewrote and modernized the code in several places and made further improvements.
  • Updated the User Guide and the Overview.fmp12 file.

Troi Dialog Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 12, 13 and 14

Version 6.1.1 (for FileMaker 12, 13 and 14) (June 23rd, 2015)

  • (Windows) Fixed a problem with the Dial_FlashDialog function, the dialog would stay considerably longer on screen than specified with the ticks parameter.
  • Updated the user guide.

Version 6.1 (for FileMaker 12, 13 and 14) (May 12th, 2015)

  • Tested and made compatible with FileMaker Pro 14.
  • Added support for 64-bit architecture with FileMaker Pro 14: On OS X the 32-bit and 64-bit version is a single universal plug-in and on Windows there are 2 plug-ins: Troi_Dialog.fmx (for 32-bit) and Troi_Dialog.fmx64 (for 64-bit).
  • Improved the example file EasyInstallTroiPlugins.fmp12, to support the 64-bit version of FileMaker Pro 14.
  • Improved the Dial_Dialog function: the result can now also be the text of the button: add the switch -ReturnButtonText for this.

Troi Dialog Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 10, 11, 12 and 13

Version 6.0 (for FileMaker 10 through 13) (March 11th, 2015)

  • Improved the Dial_InputDialog function: popups can now display values from a second value list. The selected value from the first value list is returned. You can use this for example with a list of ItemIDs and a list of ItemDescriptions. The descriptions are shown to the user, while the itemID is returned.
  • Updated the Dial_SetPopup function: there is now an optional last parameter secondPopupValues, which sets the second value list. When set for a popup, the plug-in automatically displays the second value list, but returns the corresponding value from the first popup list.
  • Updated the Dial_GetPopup function: when you add the switch “-SecondValueList” the plug-in returns the second value list for that popup.
  • Improved the Dial_ListDialog function: added a switch: -AllowMultipleSelection which allows the user to select multiple items from the list. The selected items are returned separated by the pipe character. You can also preselect multiple items. Command-A (OS X) or control-A (Windows) can be used to select all items.
  • (Mac OS X) Improved the Dial_InputDialog and Dial_BigInputDialog functions: added support for undo and redo in the edit fields through these keyboard shortcuts: undo (command-z) and redo (command-shift-z).
  • (Mac OS X) Improved the Dial_InputDialog function: added support for these keyboard shortcuts: copy (command-C), paste (command-V), cut (command-X) and select all (command-A).
  • (Mac OS X) Improved the Dial_BigInputDialog function: added support for these keyboard shortcuts: copy (command-C), paste (command-V), cut (command-X) and select all (command-A).
  • Made several improvements to the dialog example files.
  • Rewrote the code in several areas and made it more future proof.
  • Added new switch -GetRegistrationState to the Dial_Version function: this switch allows you to check if the plug-in is currently registered.
  • Updated Version example to show the use of -GetRegistrationState.
  • (Mac OS X) Added code signing to the plug-in, also compatible with the new Mavericks version of code signing.
  • IMPORTANT This plug-in drops support for Windows XP (the plug-in will no longer load on XP). On Mac OS X the minimum supported system is now OS X 10.6.8 (the plug-in will not load on 10.5 and earlier).

Version 5.5.8 (for FileMaker 10 through 13) (November 4th, 2014)

  • Tested and made compatible with FileMaker Pro 13.
  • (Mac OS X) Updated the plug-in and made compatible for OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
  • (Windows) Updated the plug-in and made compatible for Windows 8.1.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a crashing bug in the InputDialog function, when running under OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a crashing bug in the ListDialog function, when running under OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
  • (Windows) Fixed a possible problem which could lead to an “error code 3” dialog.
  • (Windows) Fixed a problem with the Dial_ProgressBar function and the automatic removal of forgotten progress dialogs: in some cases the dialog was not properly removed, leading to a ‘zombie’ dialog, that would no go away.
  • (Windows) Fixed a bug where an ampersand (&) would not be displayed in the message text of dialogs.
  • Fixed a bug where an error $$-4260 could be shown when installing the plug-in with the EasyInstallTroiPlugins.fmp12 example file. Note that this error may still show up, when an older version of Troi Dialog Plug-in is uninstalled. In this case please install the plug-in manually.
  • Improved the example files BigInputDlog.fmp12 and ListDlog.fmp12
  • Improved the Input.fmp12 example file: the examples use more variables, and error handling has been improved.

Troi Dialog Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 10, 11 and 12

Version 5.5.7 (for FileMaker 10 through 12) (January 14th, 2013)

  • Made compatible and tested with FileMaker Pro 12.
  • Made compatible and tested with Windows 8.
  • The example files are now available in the new .fmp12 format.
  • Added new example file EasyInstallTroiPlugins.fmp12 (in the FileMaker Pro 12 formatted download only), which contains the plug-ins (a Mac and Windows version) and can install the plug-in from within FileMaker Pro 12.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug in FileMaker Pro 12 where the standard icons could look grayed out.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a problem with the Dial_ProgressBar function: now the progress dialog will reappear if you do a ‘incr’ command after the dialog was automatically removed by the plug-in (after the defunct timeout had passed). This is now the same behavior as it is on Windows.
  • Added new switch “-GetPluginInstallPath” to the Dial_Version function: This switch will return the path where a plug-in is installed, for example “/Mac HD/Users/User Name/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/Extensions/Troi_Dialog.fmplugin”.
  • (Mac OS X) Rewrote the plug-in to defer the automatic loading of Cocoa Classes. Now the classes are in a separate bundle which is not loaded until later in the initialization process. This prevents a crashing bug, which occurred when the Troi Dialog Plug-in was installed in 2 separate places.
  • (Mac OS X) NOTE we will remove the possibility to run on Mac OS X 10.4 or earlier. This plug-in is the last that can run on Mac OS X 10.4 or earlier.

Troi Dialog Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 9, 10 and 11

Version 5.5.6 (for FileMaker 9 through 11) (December 23rd, 2011)

  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug with the Dial_Dialog function: now each line of the prompt text will be shown (up to 7 lines).
  • Made small change to the bundle (on Mac OS X) and FileVersion resource (on Windows) so it now reflects the correct version number.

Version 5.5.5 (for FileMaker 9 through 11) (November 16th, 2011)

  • (Windows) Fixed a bug with the Dial_InputDialog function, where the labeltext of dialogs would not be set in all cases, especially on 64 bit versions of Windows 7.
  • Made some small improvements to the Dialog.fp7 example file.

Version 5.5.4 (for FileMaker 9 through 11) (October 11th, 2011)

  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug with the Dial_Dialog function when running FileMaker Pro 11: Dial_GetButton now also returns the last button number clicked.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug in the Dial_Dialog function when running FileMaker Pro 11, where after typing several characters they would end up in the FileMaker file under the dialog. For FileMaker Pro 11 the title is now visible on Mac OS X too.
  • (Mac OS X) Improved the the Dial_Dialog function, so that the title is now visible. Note that this change only occurs in FileMaker Pro 11. On earlier versions of FileMaker the dialog has not changed.
  • Fixed a bug in the Dial_ProgressBar function, with the handling of blocking alert dialogs that can appear below the ProgressBar Dialog.
  • Improved the Dial_ProgressBar function: you can now press the ESC key to stop the dialog, by adding the switch: “-StopOnESC” to the ProgressBar show command, like this:
    Dial_ProgressBar( “-StopOnESC” ; “show” ; NrOfSecs ; DialogText )
    You need to make sure the FileMaker application has time to process the ESC key. You can do this by adding a Pause/Resume step (of 0 secs) just after an incr command.
    NOTE For FileMaker Pro 9 and 10 on Mac OS X -StopOnESC is activated by default, as a means to get rid of blocking alert dialogs that can appear below the ProgressBar Dialog.
  • Fixed a bug with the Dial_InputDialog function and FileMaker Pro 9 were copy and paste did not work.
  • Added a switch to the Dial_SetPreference function: “-TitlesInProgressBarDialogs”. When you set this to “off”
    the ProgressBar title is set to blank for all subsequent calls of the ProgressBar dialog.
    Call this once at startup of your solution, so you don’t have to change all scripts with the ProgressBar in it. Set to “on” to show the titles again.
  • Updated User Guide and Overview.fp7 to reflect the new functionality.

Version 5.5.3 (for FileMaker 9 through 11) (June 29th, 2010)

  • Added a switch to the Dial_IconControl function: -DefaultIconSize=48. This will make it the default to show all icons at 48×48,
    without the need to set it for each dialog function call.
  • Added new switch to Dial_Version: -UnregisterPlugin. This will remove the registration data. The plug-in will be in a unregistered state after this.
    See the “Temporary Register Dialog Plug-in” script in the file RegiFunc.fp7 for an example use.
  • (Windows) Improved a problem in the scaling of custom icons: if the width differs from the height the icon will now be scaled proportionally.
  • Fixed a problem where in some cases a spinning beachball cursor would be shown instead of the arrow cursor.
  • Made small tweaks to example files.

Version 5.5.2 (for FileMaker 9 through 11) (May 10th, 2010)

  • New: icons can now be extra large: 48×48 pixels. To enable this supply a 48×48 icon in the Dial_IconControl() function.
    Also add the switch -IconSize=48 to the dialog function call for which you want the icon to be bigger.
  • Slightly modified the position and size of the dialog prompt in some dialog types, to accommodate for possible bigger icons.
  • (Windows) Improved support for (transparent) PNG custom icons.
  • New: improved the Dial_Dialog function: you can now also add the switch: “-StopOnESC”. With this switch the user can press the ESC key to leave the dialog. The dialog returns with result 0.
  • (Mac OS X only) Added new switch “-CheckSpellingWhileTyping” to enable continuous spell checking for the Dial_BigInputDialog function.
  • (Mac OS X) Disabled continuous spell checking in the Dial_BigInputDialog function, which was on by default.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug in Dial_BigInputDialog function where typing the return key would result in a linefeed character in the returned text.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug in the Dial_InputDialog function where the switch “-KeepBulletText” would not be honoured.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug in the Dial_InputDialog function and popups: popup items with the same text would not be added to the popup list.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug in the Dial_InputDialog function: a popup field is now disabled if it has no popup items.
  • (Mac OS X) Converted the Dial_ListDialog function completely to Cocoa, restoring all functionality.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug in Dial_ListDialog function where empty lines would make the wrong item preselected.
  • (Mac OS X) in Dial_ListDialog: empty lines are now kept as in previous versions.
  • (Windows) Fixed a flickering in the progress bar part of the Dial_ProgressBar function.
  • (Mac OS X) Reenabled setting the dialog position: Dial_SetPosition now works again for all dialog types.
  • Updated User Guide and Overview.fp7 to reflect the new functionality.

Version 5.5.1 (for FileMaker 9 through 11) (March 23rd, 2010)

  • The Dial_InputDialog function now honours the “-StartField1”, “-StartField2″… switches which specify the input field where the cursor will be in at the start of the dialog.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug in Dial_InputDialog function: popup fields now will be initialy unselected if you specify this in Dial_SetPopup() with the “-NoSelection” switch.
  • Fixed a bug in the Dial_InputDialog function, where the -stopOnESC switch would not work in some cases.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed an inconsistency in Dial_InputDialog function with the previous Dialog Plug-in: popup fields now will be initialy unselected if you specify an empty string with the Dial_SetInput() function.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug in Dial_FlashDialog function, where typing a space would hang the flash dialog.
  • Fixed a bug in the Dial_BigInputDialog function which could hang the FileMaker 11 application.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug in Dial_ListDialog function, where specifying the dialog position and using the arrow keys would hang the list dialog. Setting the dialog position is now temporary disabled when running under FileMaker Pro 11.

Version 5.5 for FileMaker 9 through 11 (March 10th, 2010)

  • Made compatible with FileMaker Pro 11.
  • Added compatibility with Windows 7.
  • (Mac OS X) IconControl: Added support for PNG image format, including support for transparency.
  • (Mac OS X) Implemented to Cocoa version of Progress dialog.
  • (Mac OS X) Implemented to Cocoa version of InputDialog dialog.
  • The Dial_InputDialog function now shows parameter “nr. of fields” as “NrOfFields”. This single word makes it easier to select by double-clicking.
  • Updated incorrect text in All Dialog Examples.fp7
  • Several smaller bug fixes and further improvements.

Troi Dialog Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 7, 8.x, 9 and 10

Version 5.1 for FileMaker 7 through 10 (January 6th, 2009)

  • Tested with FileMaker Pro 10, and tweaked little issues to make it more compatible with FileMaker Pro 10.
  • Added the plug-in’s version number to the description in FileMaker preference pane.
  • Fixed some cosmetic bugs in Dial_PresentImage() function.
    Also fixed a bug in the Dial_PresentImage function where error text would be displayed in a very small window.
  • Added new Dial_VersionAutoUpdate function. The Dial_VersionAutoUpdate function is part of an emerging standard for FileMaker plug-ins of third party vendors of plug-ins. The version number is returned in the format aabbccdd where every letter represents a digit of the level, so versions can be easily compared.
  • Updated example files and documentation for FileMaker 10.

Version 5.0 for FileMaker 7, 8.x and 9 (February 13th, 2008)

  • Improved the Dial_InputDialog function: you can now use up to 15 input items!
  • Added new Dial_PresentImage function, which can show a full screen slide show of images and movies.
  • Added new Dial_GetCurrentTimestamp function, which returns the current date and time, including the fractions of a second!
    This is similar to the build in Get(CurrentTimestamp) function, but the milliseconds in the part after the comma make it possible to measure time with extra precision. Uses are for example measuring finishing times in a race or time difference smaller than a second.
  • Added compatibility with Windows Vista.
  • Improved compatibility with Leopard.
  • (Mac OS X) Improved the Dial_InputDialog function, it now resizes the prompt and input fields when you make the dialog bigger. Also the buttons are moved correctly now.
  • Added a missing “switches” parameter in the “External functions” list in the Specify Calculation Dialog box: it will now correctly list all parameters of the Dial_ProgressBar function.

Version 4.5.2 (for FileMaker 7, 8 and 8.5) (October 30th, 2006)

  • Fixed a problem with the Dial_ListDialog function: when calling the Dial_ListDialog function with an empty listitems parameter, the function now properly resets the last button clicked and last text selected. This means that the Dial_GetInput function now returns “” and Dial_GetButton returns 0 after this.
  • Improved initialization code and removed dependency on QuickTime on Windows. This could in some cases result in crashes when copying items to the clipboard.
  • (Mac OS X) Dial_InputDialog function: removed incorrectly visible close/minimize/zoom buttons at top of dialog.
  • Renamed the user guide to make it more clear for which plug-in it is.

Version 4.5.1 (for FileMaker 7, 8 and 8.5) (July 31st, 2006)

  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a problem where the plug-in would not work after using the Auto Update feature of FileMaker Server.
  • (Mac OS X) The Dial_Dialog now also returns the default button when clicking ENTER.
  • Updated the User Guide for version 4.5. We also improved the links in the table of contents, so the links now also work with the Preview application of Mac OS X.

Version 4.5 (for FileMaker 7, 8 and 8.5) (July 18th, 2006)

  • Made compatible with FileMaker Pro 8.5.
  • (Mac OS X) Converted to Universal plug-in which runs natively on PowerPC and Intel Macs.
  • The list of Dialog functions is now also visible when creating custom functions.
  • Added a consistency check for missing resources. The plug-in can for example miss resource files after being incorrectly zipped or tarred.
  • Converted code for FileMaker 8.5 and cleaned up code.
  • (Windows) Fixed a bug in the Dial_BigInputDialog function, where the initial text specified could in some cases not show the last character.
  • Fixed a bug in the Dial_InputDialog function: FileMaker no longer crashes if a popup input field is specified where the last character is a return character.
  • Cleaned up example files and specifically the ListDlog.fp7 and All Dialog Examples.fp7 example file.

Version 4.0.1 (for FileMaker 7) (June 30th, 2005)

  • Fixed a problem with registering the plug-in.
  • Fixed HTML syntax in conversion note.
  • Fixed a bug in Dial_BigInputDialog, where returns in the initial input text or the typed text would not be correctly handled (Windows only).

Version 4.0 (for FileMaker 7) (May 24th, 2005)

  • Converted to new Function API of FileMaker Pro 7.

NOTE Most functions now fully support Unicode, however there are some exceptions. Please read the FileMaker Pro 7 conversion note for more information on this and conversion to Troi Dialog Plug-in 4. Go to the FileMaker 7 Conversion Note

Troi Dialog Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 6 (15-June-2005)

  • Fixed a problem in accepting registrations of Troi Dialog Plug-in 4 (Windows only).

3.6 (24-May-2005)

  • New version also accepts registration of Troi Dialog Plug-in 4.
  • Updated package and release notes.

3.5.4 (29-March-2005)

  • Fixed a small problem in TrPi_IconControl: the plug-in now returns an error code when no switch is given.

3.5.3 (13-Dec-2004)

  • Improved the Progress.fp7 example file. It now has an extra Pause/Resume step of 0 seconds after the ‘show’ step. This will cause the progress bar and text to be directly visible.
  • Fixed a problem in TrDl-ListDialog and the switch “-RemoveEmptyLineAtEndOfListDialog” (in the TrDl-Version function): completely empty list items and non empty last lines are now handled correctly.
  • (Windows) Fixed a problem in TrDl-FlashDialog, where the cursor could remain invisible, after the flash dialog.
  • (Windows) Fixed a bug in TrDl-BigInputDialog, where an internal troi debug dialog could appear (with error number 3), when using FileMaker Developer 7 and the ScriptMaker option “Debug scripts” on.

3.5.2 (19-Apr-2004)

  • Tested with FileMaker Pro 7. The plug-in is compatible with FileMaker Pro 7.
    NOTE Please read the FileMaker Pro 7 conversion note for more information on conversion (page in the download).
  • Updated the example files for better conversion to FileMaker Pro 7. Also converted the example files to FileMaker Pro 7 format. You can download the example files in both fp5 and in fp7 format.
  • (Mac OS) fixed a bug in TrDl-BigInputDialog, where higher ASCII’s like ‘å’ could be typed beyond the maximum numbers of characters allowed.
  • (Windows) Fixed a bug in TrDl-BigInputDialog, where the higher ASCII’s would not be correctly shown in the input field.

3.5.1 (10-Nov-2003)

  • Fixed a bug where after a TrDl-InputDialog an older result could be returned with TrDl-GetInput.
  • (Mac OS X 10.2.6 and later) Fixed a bug in TrDl-InputDialog: Copy and Paste now works in the input fields.
  • (Mac OS) Improved TrDl-InputDialog: Paste now works in bulleted input fields. (copy and cut is disabled, for security).
  • You can now remove an empty line at the end from all next list dialogs. Use the new “-RemoveEmptyLineAtEndOfListDialog” in the TrDl-Version” function for this. See the script “ListDialog (no empty line at end)” in the ListDialog.fp5 example file for details.
  • Fixed a bug in TrDl-ListDialog with blank lines: when the preselection string is an empty string now no preselection is made (instead of the first blank line in the list).
  • In the TrDl-ListDialog function: any return character in the items of a list now will be replaced by an underscore: “_”. This makes them visible in Mac OS X 10.3, where they would cause empty lines. If you see unexpected underscores please check if there are returns in your item list.
  • Improved “TrDl-SetPosition” function. It no longer causes an extra drawing of a dialog in the default size. This means that you no longer will see a white area in the database window if you give for example a list dialog a different position and different size.
  • Added a note in the Delay.fp5 example, about TrDl-DelayTicks and Mac OS X: There is a problem where FileMaker does not update the screen after a TrDl-DelayTicks step, even if you do a different Set Field step. To workaround this please add a Pause/Resume Script[0:00:00] step before the TrDl-DelayTicks.

3.5 (22-Oct-2003)

  • Added new function TrDl-BigInputDialog in which the user can enter a long text (up to the FileMaker limit of 64000 characters).
  • The function TrDl-InputDialog can now have up to 9 input fields.
  • (Windows) In dialogs made with the function TrDl-InputDialog the tab order is now always from top to bottom.
  • The TrDl-DoFlashDialog can now display icons.
  • You can now change the time of automatic removal of the ProgressBar window, with the new TrDl-SetPreference function.
  • Improved the TrDl-ProgressBar function. It can now use numbers up to 4294967295. Also on Windows the barber pole is now emulated by a quickly growing bar that repeats.
  • Improved TrDl-DoListDialog : added functionality so that “TrDl-GetButton” and “TrDl-GetInput”can be used with the DoListDialog function too.
  • Improved TrDl-DoListDialog : you can now add the switch “-StopOnESC”, to get out of the dialog by pressing the escape key.
  • Improved TrDl-DoListDialog : you can now press the a letter to select a item beginning with that letter. If you press the same letter again, the next occurrence is selected. When there are no more occurrences the first one is selected again.
  • Added a TrDl-SetListInput function. This allows you to preselect a item from the list in the DoListDialog function.
  • Fixed a bug with the DoDialog function, where the higher ASCIIs would not be correctly retrieved with the GetInput function.
  • (Mac) Registration now also works if the registration file has a “.txt” extension.

3.1.3 (19-Oct-2002)

  • (Mac) DoListDialog fixed a bug on Mac OS X, that could cause a problem when closing the List Dialog.
  • Fixed a bug with the InputDialog and the ListDialog function: when the switches parameter was empty the dialog title and other switches would not be properly initialized.

3.1.2 (17-Jul-2002)

  • Added a cancelable Flash Dialog Example.
  • (Mac) DoListDialog now returns an error $$-92 = ddpLenErr , when the amount of list data is over 32768 characters (this is the limit of the Mac OS List Manager). Please make sure your data is limited to 32767 characters or less.

3.1 (02-Apr-2002)

  • Added a TrDl-GetPopup function that will return the popup lists that are currently stored in the plug-in.
  • Added a switch to the TrDl-DoListDialog function. You can now specify the a width and height of the list dialog.
  • (Mac) Fixed a bug with returning a button text, where the first character would not be returned.
  • (Windows) Fixed a bug where the flash dialog could hang the machine, when a file was a client of a host and the host would stop.

3.0.2 (17-Jan-2002)

  • Updated the user guide, corrected wrong function names.
  • (Mac OS) Fixed a bug where on PowerPC machines the 68k code of the plug-in would load.
  • (Mac OS) Fixed a bug in TrDl-InputDialog, where the label of a checkbox value would get extra random chars at the front when the label was not reset first.
  • (Windows) Fixed a bug in TrDl-InputDialog, where international characters like “üåç” would not be displayed correctly.
  • (Windows) Fixed a bug in TrDl-InputDialog. where typing an ESC would return a button value of 4210 instead of 0.
  • (Windows) Fixed a bug in TrDl-DoDialog and TrDl-DialogEx, where the dialog button would not always be saved for TrDl-GetButton.

3.0.1 (24-Dec-2001)

  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug in DoListDialog which would hang FileMaker by only showing the spinning disk and no dialog,.
  • Added check on maximum length of 255 while typing into the input field.
  • Fixed a bug where the switch “-StartField1” would not be used when both fields of a password dialog were empty.

3.0 (20-Dec-2001)

  • Added switch to be able to specify the field in which an (old style) input dialog will start.
  • Added function “TrDl-InputDialog” for an very versatile input dialog box with up to 5 input fields.
  • Added function “TrDl-SetLabels” to set the labels of the input dialog.
  • Added function “TrDl-SetInput” to set the pre entered text of the input dialog.
  • Added function “TrDl-Popup” to set popup values for popup list to be used in the input dialog.
  • Added function “TrDl-SetPosition” to set the position of all dialogs.
  • Added function “TrDl-GetButton” and function “TrDl-GetInput”, which make it even more easy to use the result texts or buttons of an input dialog.
  • (Mac OS) Fixed a bug in DoDialogEx, which would trash memory when using long message texts (> 512 chars).
  • (Mac OS) Fixed a bug on pre Mac OS 8.5 systems that would crash FileMaker when calling DoListDialog.

2.1 (29-May-2001)

  • Fixed a bug where the version function would slow down after being called more than 20 times.
  • Tested with FileMaker 5.5 and ported to Mac OS X. The Mac version of the plug-in is now a so called ‘Super Fat’ plug-in that will run on Mac OS 8, 9 and Mac OS X.
  • Added SetDialogTitle function
  • (Win) Improved UserPassword dialog: the cursor now starts in the password field (like it did on Mac OS).
  • (Win) The default button is now properly highlighted in all input dialogs.
  • Improved Version function. It now also can show the Flash Dialog and return a version build number.
  • (Mac) Fixed a bug in the DoListDialog function, where you could click on the title bar of the FileMaker file itself.
  • Fixed a bug for 68k Macs on system 7.6.1 (!) that would crash FileMaker when calling DialogEx.

2.0 (14-Aug-2000)

  • Added DialogEx function
  • Added DoListDialog function

1.2.2 (29-Jan-99)

  • made changes for the Euro currency character
  • fixed bug with foreign characters in user part of userpassword
  • prepared for preregistered version

1.2.1 (21-Sep-98)

  • fixed bug with userpassword result
  • added a built-in ‘register function’

1.2 (16-Jul-98)

  • added support for international characters
  • with password dialog: escape key will dismiss dialog box
  • added user + password dialog
  • setting of value of input field in input dialog is now possible
  • removed the startup flash screen. Now a flash screen is shown the first time the plug-in functionality is used. This flash screen is removed after payment of the license fee.
  • windows NT: startup splash screen now always shows centered on screen.
  • windows 98: register program now prints correctly

1.1 (23-Apr-98)

  • fixed bug with password dialog
  • added progress bar dialog
  • added flash dialogs
  • added delay ticks
  • input dialog now returns on entering a return char (Mac)
  • split into 3 separate plug-ins: Troi Dialog Plug-in, Troi Coding Plug-in and Troi File Plug-in

1.0 (29-Jan-98) First release!

  • fixed a bug on 68k machines which disposed of a pointer improperly.