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Troi Plug-ins

Second Value List in a dialog pop-up

With the recently released Troi Dialog Plug-in 6 for FileMaker Pro you can create very powerful Input Dialogs in a few script steps.

Below we show how to display an input dialog with a popup, which displays the values of a second value list, while returning the chosen value from the first list.

This (simplified) example uses fixed text to build the dialog, normally you would fill the dialog with data from your database. In ScriptMaker you need to add script steps to a script, but you can of course copy the script from the example files in the download of Troi Dialog Plug-in.

Implementing the InputDialog

First set the values for the popup. For this popup we fill the optional last parameter, which holds a second value list (with item names).
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Troi Dialog Plug-in 6.0 for FileMaker Pro 13

We just released Troi Dialog Plug-in 6.0, our plug-in for displaying flexible, dynamic dialogs in FileMaker Pro 13. This release adds several new features, such as the possibility to show items from a second value list in a pop-up while returning the value from the first, the possibility to choose multiple items from a list dialog and the use of several keyboard shortcuts in the edit fields of the InputDialog and BigInputDialog.
Download a demo here:

Files and Folders and FileMaker

Did you know that with Troi File Plug-in you can easily see which files or folders are in a folder?

You can get this list easily into FileMaker Pro with the TrFile_ListFolder( ) function. In ScriptMaker add this script step to a script:
Set Field [ result, TrFile_ListFolder( “-Files -Folders” ; “Mac HD:”) ]
This will return a text list of all files and folders on the hard disk “Mac HD”. The two switches -Files and -Folders indicate you want both types returned. This might return for example this:

Desktop Folder
Program files
Financial report.xls

and so on…
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Troi Dialog Plug-in Release notes 1998-2017

In this post you find the older release notes for Troi Dialog Plug-in for FileMaker Pro.

Troi Dialog Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 12, 13, 14 and 15

Version 6.5.1 (for FileMaker 12 to 15) (February 15, 2017)

  • Added switch to the Dial_ListDialog function: “-ExtraLineHeight=x”, where you can specify extra height (in pixels) for each list item.
  • (Windows) Improved the Dial_ListDialog function: list items should have more vertical height when using hi-resolution displays.
  • Updated the code in several places and added improved namespace handling to make the plug-in more robust.
  • (Mac OS X) Improved export of symbols of the compiled plug-in: now only the symbols that are required are exported.
  • (Mac OS X, 32-bit only) Fixed a possible interference with other plug-ins, during the registration phase.
  • Fixed a bug in the code for registering the plug-in.

Version 6.5 (for FileMaker 12 to 15) (May 17, 2016)

  • Tested and improved compatibility with Windows 10 and OS X 10.11 (El Capitan).
  • Tested and made compatible with FileMaker Pro 15.
  • Improved the multi-threading behavior of the plug-in when running in FileMaker Pro 15.
  • Improved the example file EasyInstallTroiPlugins.fmp12, to provide more help when an installation error occurs.
  • Added description and type-ahead information for all functions of the plug-in. This extra function description will be shown in FileMaker Pro 15 in the Specify Calculation dialog box when you type a function name and also as a text popup in the functions pane on the right.
    The type-ahead information is used by the auto complete functionality of FileMaker Pro 15. In the calculation pane of the Specify Calculation dialog box you can type a letter or two of the function name and instantly see a list of matching function names. For example when you type “li”, the auto complete functionality will suggest the Dial_ListDialog function. You can also type a function name in the functions pane on the right: for example if you type “dial” you will see all the functions relevant to dialogs, like Dial_BigInputDialog.
  • Fixed several bugs, rewrote and modernized the code in several places and made further improvements.
  • Updated the User Guide and the Overview.fmp12 file.

Troi Dialog Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 12, 13 and 14

Version 6.1.1 (for FileMaker 12, 13 and 14) (June 23rd, 2015)

  • (Windows) Fixed a problem with the Dial_FlashDialog function, the dialog would stay considerably longer on screen than specified with the ticks parameter.
  • Updated the user guide.

Version 6.1 (for FileMaker 12, 13 and 14) (May 12th, 2015)

  • Tested and made compatible with FileMaker Pro 14.
  • Added support for 64-bit architecture with FileMaker Pro 14: On OS X the 32-bit and 64-bit version is a single universal plug-in and on Windows there are 2 plug-ins: Troi_Dialog.fmx (for 32-bit) and Troi_Dialog.fmx64 (for 64-bit).
  • Improved the example file EasyInstallTroiPlugins.fmp12, to support the 64-bit version of FileMaker Pro 14.
  • Improved the Dial_Dialog function: the result can now also be the text of the button: add the switch -ReturnButtonText for this.

Troi Dialog Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 10, 11, 12 and 13

Version 6.0 (for FileMaker 10 through 13) (March 11th, 2015)

  • Improved the Dial_InputDialog function: popups can now display values from a second value list. The selected value from the first value list is returned. You can use this for example with a list of ItemIDs and a list of ItemDescriptions. The descriptions are shown to the user, while the itemID is returned.
  • Updated the Dial_SetPopup function: there is now an optional last parameter secondPopupValues, which sets the second value list. When set for a popup, the plug-in automatically displays the second value list, but returns the corresponding value from the first popup list.
  • Updated the Dial_GetPopup function: when you add the switch “-SecondValueList” the plug-in returns the second value list for that popup.
  • Improved the Dial_ListDialog function: added a switch: -AllowMultipleSelection which allows the user to select multiple items from the list. The selected items are returned separated by the pipe character. You can also preselect multiple items. Command-A (OS X) or control-A (Windows) can be used to select all items.
  • (Mac OS X) Improved the Dial_InputDialog and Dial_BigInputDialog functions: added support for undo and redo in the edit fields through these keyboard shortcuts: undo (command-z) and redo (command-shift-z).
  • (Mac OS X) Improved the Dial_InputDialog function: added support for these keyboard shortcuts: copy (command-C), paste (command-V), cut (command-X) and select all (command-A).
  • (Mac OS X) Improved the Dial_BigInputDialog function: added support for these keyboard shortcuts: copy (command-C), paste (command-V), cut (command-X) and select all (command-A).
  • Made several improvements to the dialog example files.
  • Rewrote the code in several areas and made it more future proof.
  • Added new switch -GetRegistrationState to the Dial_Version function: this switch allows you to check if the plug-in is currently registered.
  • Updated Version example to show the use of -GetRegistrationState.
  • (Mac OS X) Added code signing to the plug-in, also compatible with the new Mavericks version of code signing.
  • IMPORTANT This plug-in drops support for Windows XP (the plug-in will no longer load on XP). On Mac OS X the minimum supported system is now OS X 10.6.8 (the plug-in will not load on 10.5 and earlier).

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Troi Activator Plug-in Release notes 2001-2017

In this post you find the older release notes for Troi Activator Plug-in for FileMaker Pro.

Troi Activator Plug-in 4.5 (for FileMaker 12 to 16) (September 4, 2017)

  • Tested and made compatible with FileMaker Pro 16.
  • Rewrote and modernized the code in several places.
  • Added namespace handling and improved the internal registration of function calls to make the plug-in more robust.
  • (Mac OS) Added code signing to the plug-in.
  • (Mac OS) Improved export of symbols: now only the symbols that are required are exported by the plug-in.
  • Made various minor changes to the example files to better work with FileMaker Pro 16.
  • Updated the User Guide and the Reference.fmp12 file.

Extra features when running FileMaker Pro 16

  • The Activator Plug-in adds multiple script steps when running FileMaker Pro 16.
    You can select these script steps in the script steps pane in Script Workspace, or you can begin typing the script step name, then choose the script step from the list that appears.
    The script steps expand the possible actions you can perform with FileMaker Pro. The following 10 script steps are added:

NOTE Only steps that perform an action have been added as a script step. Functions that have no side effect (like for example Actr_GetIPAddress) are only available as an external function.

  • Added new scripts to the RemoteTriggers.fmp12, ScheduleTriggers.fmp12, ShutdownRestart.fmp12, Sleep.fmp12 and UploadData.fmp12 example files, to demonstrate how to use the new external script steps of FileMaker Pro 16. The examples check if FileMaker Pro 16 is running and will then select these new scripts.
  • Added support for online help for the functions and script steps of the plug-in. You can now easily get online help from the Troi website, by clicking the Help button (the small question mark button) next to the function description in the functions pane or the script step description in the script steps pane.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a possible memory leak when receiving messages send by the Actr_SendRemoteEvent function.
  • (Mac OS) Fixed a bug in the Actr_SendRemoteEvent function, which in some cases could cause a crash.
  • Fixed a bug in the Actr_StartListener function: when you receive a remote message the yourText text could contain an invisible ASCII null character at the end.
  • (Mac OS) Fixed a bug which could cause a crash when quiting FileMaker Pro.
  • Fixed a bug in the Actr_RunScript function, the plug-in now returns an error code if the script did not trigger.
    When the database name does not exist error code $$-4232 (kErrNoSuchDatabase) is returned. And when the script name does not exist error code $$-4233 (kErrNoSuchScript) is returned.

Troi Activator Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 12, 13, 14 and 15

Version 4.0 for FileMaker 12, 13, 14 and 15 (June 14, 2016)

  • Tested and made compatible with FileMaker Pro 15.
  • Tested and improved compatibility with Windows 10 and OS X 10.11 (El Capitan).
  • You can now schedule up to 1500 events to trigger, up from 1000.
  • Added description and type-ahead information for all functions of the plug-in. This extra function description will be shown in FileMaker Pro 15 in the Specify Calculation dialog box when you type a function name and also as a text popup in the functions pane on the right.
    The type-ahead information is used by the auto complete functionality of FileMaker Pro 15. In the calculation pane of the Specify Calculation dialog box you can type a letter or two of the function name and instantly see a list of matching function names. For example when you type “sch”, the auto complete functionality will suggest the Actr_ScheduleEvent function. You can also type a function name in the functions pane on the right: for example if you type “HTTP” you will see all the functions with HTTP in the name, like Actr_StartHTTPServer.
  • Improved the multi-threading behavior of the plug-in when running in FileMaker Pro 15.
  • Improved the example file EasyInstallTroiPlugins.fmp12, to provide more help when an installation error occurs.
  • Updated the UploadData.fmp12 example file: it now correctly shows a Google Map in a webviewer.
  • Fixed a possible memory leak in the HTTP Server when receiving GPS location data.
  • Fixed a typo in the web page of the http server.
  • Fixed several bugs, rewrote and modernized the code in several places and made further improvements.
  • Updated the User Guide and the Overview.fmp12 file.

Troi Activator Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 12, 13 and 14

Version 3.6 for FileMaker 12, 13 and 14 (May 12th, 2015)

  • Tested and made compatible with FileMaker Pro 14.
  • Added support for 64-bit architecture with FileMaker Pro 14: On OS X the 32-bit and 64-bit version is a single universal plug-in and on Windows there are 2 plug-ins: Troi_Activator.fmx (for 32-bit) and Troi_Activator.fmx64 (for 64-bit).
  • Improved the example file EasyInstallTroiPlugins.fmp12, to support the 64-bit version of FileMaker Pro 14.
  • Fixed a bug that could make FileMaker Pro 14 crash when showing a flash dialog.

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Troi URL Plug-in Release notes 2002-2014

In this post you find the older release notes for Troi URL Plug-in for FileMaker Pro.

Troi URL Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 11, 12 and 13

Version 4.0 for FileMaker 11, 12 and 13 (June 24th, 2014)

  • Compatible with FileMaker Pro 13 and 64-bit
  • Tested and made compatible with FileMaker Pro 13, including 13.0v3.
  • Added support for 64-bit architecture: On Windows there are now 2 plug-ins: Troi_URL.fmx (for 32-bit) and Troi_URL.fmx64 (for 64-bit).
    NOTE Only Filemaker Server and FileMaker WebDirect are 64-bit processes and require the Troi_URL.fmx64 version to be installed. On OS X the 32-bit and 64-bit version is a single universal plug-in.
  • IMPORTANT This plug-in drops support for Windows XP (the plug-in will no longer load on XP). On Mac OS X the minimum system is now OS X 10.6.8 (the plug-in will not load on 10.5 and earlier).
  • When running under 64-bit the TURL_Get, TURL_Post functions have no progress dialog implemented. Currently this not needed too, as on FileMaker Server no UI can be shown anyway.
  • Improved the Twitter example file: it is now alsways using a secure https connection for posing tweets, as Twitter switched off posting via the (less secure) http protocol.
  • Improved the example file FillForm: it is now easier to set the username and password and to specify an encoding switch.
  • (Mac OS X) Improved the flash dialog, it is now implemented as a Cocoa dialog and 64-bit compatible.
  • Several small corrections in the Read Me file and example files.

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Troi Encryptor Plug-in Release notes 1998-2016

In this post you find the older release notes for Troi Encryptor Plug-in for FileMaker Pro.

Troi Encryptor Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 12 to 14

Version 3.0.1 (for FileMaker 12, 13 and 14) (March 22nd, 2016)

  • Tested and made compatible with Windows 10 and OS X 10.11 (El Capitan).
  • Fixed a bug in the Encr_MakeDigest function which was introduced in version 3.0: when creating a MD5 digest an incorrect digest would be returned for texts bigger than 32000 characters.
  • Added a switch “-DigestCompatibleWithv30” to the Encr_MakeDigest function, to be able to generate the same (incorrect) digests of v3.0. Note that the result only differs for digests of text bigger than 32000 characters and created with the 3.0 version of the plug-in.
  • Improved several example files.

Version 3.0 (for FileMaker 12, 13 and 14) (June 5th, 2015)

  • Tested and made compatible with FileMaker Pro 12, 13 and 14.
  • Added support for 64-bit architecture with FileMaker Pro 14: on OS X the 32-bit and 64-bit version is a single universal plug-in and on Windows there are 2 plug-ins: Troi_Encryptor.fmx (for 32-bit) and Troi_Encryptor.fmx64 (for 64-bit).
  • Added the example file EasyInstallTroiPlugins.fmp12, with support for the 64-bit version of FileMaker Pro 14.
  • Tested with OS X 10.9 Mavericks, OS X 10.10 Yosemite and Windows 8.x.
  • Added AES-256 bit encryption: The function Encr_EncryptRijndaelAES() will now use AES-256 bit encryption by default.
  • Added a switch to the Encr_EncryptRijndaelAES function: “-KeySize=128”, which will generate AES-128 bit encryption.
  • Improved the Encr_DecryptRijndael function: for Troi AES encrypted text, it will automatically detect if it is AES-128 or AES-256 and decrypt the text. You don’t need to change the scripts or add any switches for this to work.
  • Added 3 new functions to the plug-in, to be able to easily exchange AES-Encrypted data with other systems (like for example PHP-mcrypt):
    • Encr_AES_CreateKeyAndIV: creates an encryption key and initialization vector, which can be used for the AES encryption or decryption.
    • Encr_AES_EncryptUsingKey: encrypts the data using the AES-128 or AES-256 algorithm using the encryption key and initialization vector.
    • Encr_AES_DecryptUsingKey: decrypts the data using the AES-128 or AES-256 algorithm with the encryption key and initialization vector.
  • Added PHP mcrypt script which demonstrates how to decrypt data generated with the EncryptAES.fmp12 example file in PHP.
  • Troi Encryptor Plug-in is now compatible to run under FileMaker Server! The plug-in creates log files when running under FileMaker Server to make troubleshooting easier and to provide feedback regarding errors and registration status.
    Note that you need a special Server/WebEngine license to use this plug-in on FileMaker Server. See our web site for details.
  • Added new Encr_VersionAutoUpdate function. The Encr_VersionAutoUpdate function is part of a standard for FileMaker plug-ins of third party vendors of plug-ins. The version number is returned in the format aabbccdd where every letter represents a digit of the level, so versions can be easily compared.
  • Fixed a bug in the Encr_DecodeBase64 function, where ASCII character 240 (Apple logo) and ASCII character 189 (Omega) would not be added to the result.
  • Updated information regarding MD5 hash and collisions/uniqueness. Now recommends the use of SHA-1 when more security is needed.
  • Added new switch -GetRegistrationState to the Encr_Version function: this switch allows you to check if the plug-in is currently registered.
  • Added new switch “-GetPluginInstallPath” to the Encr_Version function: this switch will return the path where the plug-in is installed, for example “/Mac HD/Users/User Name/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/FileMaker Pro/14.0/Extensions/Troi_Encryptor.fmplugin”.
  • Added new switch to Encr_Version: -UnregisterPlugin. This will remove the registration data. The plug-in will be in the unregistered state after this.
  • Several bug fixes and further improvements.
  • Made various changes to several example files.

Troi Encryptor Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 7, 8.x and 9

Version 2.5.2 (for FileMaker Pro 7, 8.x and 9) (September 25th, 2007)

  • Fixed a bug in the Encr_DecodeBase64 function, where the last Base64 character would not always be decoded correctly.
  • Added new switch “-DecodeSafeAsciiDecryptDESDecompress” to the Encr_Code() function. This will perform three actions in succession: first decode from SafeAscii, then decrypt the intermediate result (using decryptDES) and finally decompress it.
  • Fixed a small inconsistency with Encr_Version( “-GetVersionString” ). It now properly returns with a space between the plug-in name and the version number.
  • Updated the User Guide for version 2.5.2.

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