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Serial_Open |
Opens a serial port with this name and the specified parameters.
Serial_Open ( switches ; portname ; settings ; filename ; scriptname ;
matchstring )
switches | (optional) specifies how this function receives the data |
portname | the name of the port to open |
settings | (optional) specifies the setting of the port like the speed of the port, parity, etc. |
filename | (optional) the name of the file which contains the script to trigger when data comes in |
scriptname | (optional) specifies the name of the script to trigger when data comes in |
matchstring | (optional) a string that must be matched before the script is triggered |
switches can be one of this:
-ResumeWhenScriptPaused | when the trigger script needs to run, and an other script is already paused, the paused script will resume after the triggerscript is finished. |
-NoIdleWaitTime | don’t add idle wait times, the triggering will be faster, but the plug-in will need more computer time. |
Returned Result
Data type returned
Error code
Returned result is an error code. Returned error codes can be:
0 | no error | the port was opened |
$$-50 | paramErr | there was an error with the parameter |
$$-108 | memFullErr | ran out of memory |
$$-97 | portInUse | could not open port, the port is in use |
$$-4210 | portDoesnotExistErr | port with this name is not available on this computer |
$$-4211 | allPortsNullErr | no serial ports are available on this computer |
Other errors may be returned.
Originated in
Troi Serial Plug-in 3.0
FileMaker Pro 16 to FileMaker Pro 2023
If you specify a filename and scriptname any scripts specified with the function “Serial_SetDispatchScript” will be ignored for this port.
If you specify a filename you must also provide a scriptname.
Version 6.0 added the (optional) matchstring parameter, you can now specify directly when opening a port the string for which the plug-ins waits before triggering a script.
Set Field [ gErrorCode ; Serial_Open ( "-Unused" ; "COM2" ; "baud=19200 parity=none
data=8 stop=10 flowControl=DTRDSR flowControl=RTSCTS" ) ]
will open the COM2 port with a speed of 19200 baud and the specified options.
Example 2
Set Field [ gErrorCode ;
Serial_Open ( "-Unused" ; gPortName1 ;
gSpeed & " " & gStopBits & " " & gDataBits & " " & gParity & " "& gFlowControl ;
Get ( FileName ) ;
"Process Data Received for 1st Port"
This will open the port in field gPortName1 with the specified speed and other options. When data comes in the script “Process Data Received for 1st Port” in the current filename will be triggered.
Used in example files
Related functions
Serial_Close |
Serial_Receive |
Serial_Reinitialize |
Related script steps
Open Serial Port |
Set Serial Direct Insert |
Related topics
Troi Serial Plug-in online help (overview)