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Troi URL Plug-in helps Rob connect

Rob Salusbury wrote to us that he is using our Troi URL plug-in to make FileMaker Pro into an incredibly powerful web client, in particular for communicating with SQL databases.

He thinks we are sitting on a real game changer that potential customers might not be aware of. Combined with Troi File and Troi Encryptor it delivers the ability to create very fast (VERY fast), very secure SQL applications that provide a ton of extended capabilities over any browser-only based solutions.

You can find the quote on our comments page.

The link below points to a page on his site that explains a little more about the concept.

We have to admit we don’t completely understand how this works, so you’ll have to quiz him on the details. We are amazed what our users can accomplish with the help of our plug-ins.

Many more functions

This is just one of the functionalities added by the Troi URL Plug-in. Another possibility is for example to send tweets to Twitter.


On the Troi URL Plug-in page you can download a fully functional demo with all the functions explained:

It is a great and easy way to enhance your database for you or your customers.

Files and Folders and FileMaker

Did you know that with Troi File Plug-in you can easily see which files or folders are in a folder?

You can get this list easily into FileMaker Pro with the TrFile_ListFolder( ) function. In ScriptMaker add this script step to a script:
Set Field [ result, TrFile_ListFolder( “-Files -Folders” ; “Mac HD:”) ]
This will return a text list of all files and folders on the hard disk “Mac HD”. The two switches -Files and -Folders indicate you want both types returned. This might return for example this:

Desktop Folder
Program files
Financial report.xls

and so on…
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