Learn Spelling |
Adds a word to the spell checker dictionary.
Learn Spelling [ Select; Result (error) ; Words To Learn ]
Set Spelling Ignore List |
Sets the list of words that should be ignored when checking spelling.
Set Spelling Ignore List [ Select ; Result (error) ; Ignore Word List ]
Unlearn Spelling |
Forget this word in the spell checker dictionary.
Unlearn Spelling [ Select ; Result (error) ; Words To Forget ]
Updated text manipulation plug-in for FileMaker Pro 15 adds compatibility with FileMaker Cloud.
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The newly released Troi Text Plug-in 4 for #FileMaker Pro 14 adds customizable (or is it customisable?) spelling functions per field. You can implement this from a calculation, for example in a script or in a calculation field. You can also ignore, learn and unlearn words, from a script.